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Last updated on January 1, 1970

7 min read

Method /ledgers/{sequence}/operations undefined ()
connect with REST protocol



Method not allowed


This endpoint returns all payment-related operations in a specificledger. Operation types that can be returned by this endpoint includecreate_account, payment, path_payment, and account_merge.


sequence - path

integer, optional

The sequence number of a specific ledger.

cursor - query

integer, optional

A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.

order - query

string, optional

A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending). If this argument isn’t set, it defaults to asc.

limit - query

integer, optional

The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200 - an upper limit that is hardcoded in Horizon for performance reasons. If this argument isn’t designated, it defaults to 10.

include_failed - query

boolean, optional

Set to true to include failed operations in results. Options include true and false.

join - query

any, optional

Set to transactions to include the transactions which created each of the operations in the response.


curl --location --request GET '' 
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "_embedded": {
        "records": [
                "_links": {
                    "effects": {
                        "href": ""
                    "precedes": {
                        "href": ""
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
                    "succeeds": {
                        "href": ""
                    "transaction": {
                        "href": ""
                "amount": "10000000000.0000000",
                "buying_asset_type": "native",
                "created_at": "2023-04-04T10:14:56Z",
                "id": "196188612818112514",
                "offer_id": "0",
                "paging_token": "196188612818112514",
                "price": "0.0000001",
                "price_r": {
                    "d": 10000000,
                    "n": 1
                "selling_asset_code": "STEEL",
                "selling_asset_issuer": "GBV4NISN6Y4PIB3JRU7WSIBLGCEHXGIEKJCQPW3RGZOOU4WA4QFUVU3J",
                "selling_asset_type": "credit_alphanum12",
                "transaction_hash": "0a33e149a21b67e11fabb30e41adb08984766550f0e83bd2ae66b33a183dd452",
                "transaction_successful": true,
                "type": "manage_sell_offer",
                "type_i": 3
    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": ""
        "prev": {
            "href": ""
        "self": {
            "href": ""
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