Inside NEAR University, a Novel Web3 Educational Ecosystem 



June 21, 2022

6 分鐘閱讀

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Next-generation Web3 education and community hub: What is NEAR University?

Launched in 2022 by NEAR Foundation, a non-profit behind the high-performance blockchain NEAR Protocol (NEAR), NEAR University is a unique initiative focused on spreading the word about blockchain worldwide.

Technically, it is a platform for education, support and collaboration for Web3 enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, and analysts. NEAR University is a modern gateway to the ecosystem of NEAR’s smart contracts and decentralized applications.

NEAR University invites Internet users to join education programs, grant initiatives, testing campaigns, and so on. By late Q2, 2022, NEAR University 20+ programs are attended by over 5,000 students while an aggregated amount of distributed grants eclipsed $1,74 mln.

NEAR University introduces programs for developers, analysts and instructors

Basically, the University introduces three educational tracks for various blockchain enthusiasts. Beginners are invited to join ‘NEAR Certified Analyst’ track adjusted for both technical and non-technical students. This course is designed to help newbies to start their journey in Web3 data and protocols.

‘NEAR Certified Developer’ track welcomes web developers interested in migration from Web2 segment to Web3. With this course, developers with different basic languages are able to study blockchain development and get a ‘Certificate of Completion’ proving their NEAR-related development skills. Alumni of this track can create dApps using the NEAR blockchain.

‘NEAR Certified Instructor’ is an advanced course available to the holders of at least one certificate from previous tracks. After completing this course, Web3 enthusiasts will be able to create and lead their own training programs on the blockchain.

Learn, earn and connect: One-stop platform for students and communities

‘Learn-earn-connect’ is a core concept NEAR University advocates in its daily activity. It means that besides educational and financial support, NEAR University is set to become a meeting point for Web3 enthusiasts.

Its opportunities for education include self-paced courses, community courses, and partner courses: every student can choose the most appropriate track for their studies.

Earning opportunities include fellowships, ambassadorship and job opportunities alongside the ‘1000 Teachers’ program focused on creating a new generation of educators for NEAR.

Finally, NEAR University provides its students with the platform to familiarize themselves with NEAR social media ecosystem and partnerships opportunities.

That being said, NEAR University is a cutting-edge way for NEAR Protocol to accelerate its massive adoption and development.



June 21, 2022

6 分鐘閱讀
