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Last updated on January 1, 1970

5 min read

Method /account/transfers/incoming undefined ()
connect with REST protocol



Gets an array of TransactionMetaDataPair objects where the recipient hasthe address given as parameter to the request. A maximum of 25transaction meta data pairs is returned. The returned transaction metadata pairs are sorted in descending order in which they were written tothe database. If less than 25 transactions fulfill the requirements,only those transactions are returned.


address -

The address of the account.

hash -

The 256 bit sha3 hash of the transaction up to which transactions are returned.

The parameter is optional. When it's not present, the request will return newest transactions according to the above criteria. When hash is supplied as second parameter, the request will return up to 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction that has the supplied hash sorted according to the above criteria.

id -

The transaction id up to which transactions are returned. The parameter is optional. When an id is supplied as third parameter, the request will return up to 25 transactions that appeared directly before the transaction that has the supplied id sorted according to the above criteria.


curl --location --request GET ''
 --header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' 
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "data": [
            "meta": {
                "hash": {
                    "data": "87e2033d75b0e9d7445d9a617f70e45e2af116aed7c6895d586822316811e318"
                "height": 3398888,
                "id": 10918761,
                "innerHash": {}
            "transaction": {
                "amount": 1000000,
                "deadline": 205692008,
                "fee": 300000,
                "message": {
                    "payload": "444f4e5445204449474954414c31c2aeefb88f0a68747470733a2f2f6d6f62696c652e747769747465722e636f6d2f6469676974616c31720a68747470733a2f2f7777772e62657867726f75702e696e666f0a68747470733a2f2f6d6f62696c652e6265782e676c6f62616c0a68747470733a2f2f646578782e676c6f62616c0a68747470733a2f2f6962696e2e676c6f62616c0a",
                    "type": 1
                "mosaics": [
                        "mosaicId": {
                            "name": "ch0459804891b",
                            "namespaceId": "asset"
                        "quantity": 2000000
                "recipient": "NCXIQA4FF5JB6AMQ53NQ3ZMRD3X3PJEWDJJJIGHT",
                "signature": "bda7036a0aff76fa20ff9e27e9e63375a018328703c6294ac869ffb3a597526c9509cf92057e0893e9c1b0de656ecc19832913f115b5679f69e14ead23fe5c0c",
                "signer": "0b917422ca9259c9acf379f9ff804886768dea2314b670b64732cb73a72576ca",
                "timeStamp": 205684808,
                "type": 257,
                "version": 1744830466
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