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Tron (TRX) API - Building Your Web3 Dapps



May 15, 2024

6 min read

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What is Tron (TRX) API?

API is a developer tool that enables leveraging the capabilities of Tron blockchain technology in Web3 projects.

This includes building decentralized applications (dApps), integrating blockchain-based payment systems, creating tokenized assets, implementing blockchain-based identity verification systems, and much more.

Most blockchain nodes expose APIs that authorize users to communicate with them. These APIs typically provide endpoints for making RPC requests to query blockchain data and perform other operations.

In dApp development, APIs serve as the interface through which dApps communicate with blockchain node endpoints. This generally involves making HTTP requests using standardized protocols such as JSON-RPC or REST.

Additionally, users can access the decentralized network’s “database” and perform certain on-chain activities. For example, retrieve various types of data from Tron, such as account balances, transaction history, smart contract states, and more.

The same APIs can be used to send TRX transactions, initiating actions like token transfers, smart contract execution, or recording data on-chain.

To get access to Tron API, crypto users, and developers are not required to deploy and configure a server or computer system to operate as a node and support blockchain operations. Instead, Web3 infrastructure or Node-as-a-Service platforms offer easy and immediate access to multiple blockchain APIs.

Why use Tron (TRX) API?

Running a node requires significant computational resources, storage space, and bandwidth. It may not be feasible for all developers or organizations to maintain their own nodes due to cost or technical constraints.

Let’s see what alternative node service providers offer and what advantages it has:

  1. Simplicity: Offer a more user-friendly way to interact with the blockchain compared to managing node software directly. Developers can use APIs to send commands and retrieve data from blockchain nodes without needing to understand the underlying technical details;
  2. Reduced Resource Requirements: Reduces expenses on computational resources, associated with maintaining nodes. This results in cost savings and enables projects and organizations to allocate resources more efficiently toward other business priorities;
  3. Scalability: These services often provide scalable solutions that can accommodate the growing needs of businesses and applications. As demand increases, organizations can easily scale their node infrastructure without requiring substantial initial capital.

In summary, APIs provide a simpler and more user-friendly alternative to add blockchain functionality into applications more easily.

While the choice between the two options depends on factors such as technical expertise, resource availability, and project requirements, Tron APIs provided by node services like GetBlock help easy onboarding for developers willing to contribute to the vast TRX ecosystem.

Key Features of Tron API

Scalability, cost-effectiveness, and Solidity compatibility make Tron a compelling platform for building dApps with various functionalities.

Tron API, in turn, facilitates a wide range of features essential for app deployment:

Key Features Description Example Use Cases
Real-time blockchain data Enables applications to stay synchronized with the latest blockchain state; retrieve information directly from the ledger, including transaction and account details, block and network statistics Blockchain explorers, Real-time analytics, Trading platforms
Wallet management Includes functionalities like generating new addresses, checking balances, sending and receiving funds, and handling transaction history Payment gateways, Exchange platforms
Transaction processing Facilitates transaction creation, signing, fee estimation, and broadcasting for network confirmation DeFi platforms, Wallet applications
Address validation Helps verify address validity to ensure compliance with blockchain network standards before transaction processing Web3 wallets, Exchanges, Payment platforms

In essence, Tron offers developers a comprehensive toolkit to build powerful applications, while infrastructure providers streamline the development process by offering readily usable APIs.

How to Get Started with Tron (TRX) API

New users can follow this guide to navigate GetBlock services and access its APIs. This guide will walk through the process of setting up an account, obtaining credentials, and integrating API endpoints into their applications.

Creating an Account

When signing up for, users can choose to connect their MetaMask wallet for a seamless registration process or opt for the traditional method — email or Google authentication.

Once registered, users gain access to a free package that includes 40,000 daily requests. This package is designed to provide users with ample resources for testing the service and exploring its functionalities without incurring any costs.

Generating API endpoints

To create an endpoint URL:

  1. Navigate to “My Endpoints” from the dashboard and select "Tron" protocol from the dropdown menu;
  2. Choose between mainnet or testnet and interface (JSON-RPC or REST);
  3. Press “Get”.

The system will generate a URL:

In this link, "ACCESS_TOKEN" is replaced with a unique token generated by the system. When users utilize this URL in their applications or scripts, along with the appropriate API requests, they gain direct access to GetBlock's Tron API.

Integrating APIs

As a basic test to ensure that the URL is functioning correctly, we can make an HTTP requests using "eth_chainId" method for GetBlock nodes to process:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "eth_chainId",
    "params": [],
    "id": ""

The response indicates that we can successfully communicate with GetBlock's API and retrieve the desired data:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "",
  "result": "0x2b6653dc"

Available Tron API Methods

This section provides examples of methods commonly utilized when working with the TRX blockchain:

  • net_version: Helps identify which network user is is connected to;
  • eth_getTransactionByHash: Fetches details about a specific transaction;
  • eth_getStorageAt: Inspects the state of a contract's storage at a particular position;
  • getContract: Returns information about a deployed smart contract, including bytecode, ABI, and other metadata;
  • /wallet/getpendingsize: Retrieves the size of pending transactions in the Tron wallet;

Developers can find comprehensive documentation on supported Tron API methods on the GetBlock website.

Pricing and Plans for Tron (TRX) API

GetBlock offers a range of pricing options designed to meet the needs of all clients interacting with TRX API.

Shared nodes open access to cost-effective infrastructure, suitable for individual developers or initial development phases. While this plan comes with 40,000 free daily requests, paid tariffs start at $29.

Flexible pricing

Shared nodes



$ 29 / month

Get started

5 000 000

Requests per month


Requests per second


Shared nodes


Best choice

$ 499 / month

Get started


Requests per day


Requests per second

Unlimited Requests

Additionally, clients have the flexibility to opt for unlimited access through monthly subscriptions. This allows for tailored solutions based on every usage need.

Dedicated TRX API

Plans granting access to dedicated nodes offer no usage rate limitations, in contrast to shared nodes. This option is preferred by developers building applications that anticipate scaling to accommodate a growing number of users and functionalities.


Private server with custom settings



Rate Limit




Starting at



/ month

Start building arrow up

Additionally, it offers a level of customization that enables clients to optimize their infrastructure for performance, reliability, and scalability, meeting the demands of their dApp effectively.

Enterprise Tron solutions

Enterprise plan is a specialized tier of services provided by GetBlock, targeting businesses and large-scale blockchain-based projects.


Under this partnership, GetBlock offers access to specialized analytical and backup services, customized solutions, and expert assistance. Additionally, clients have the flexibility to deploy any protocol node upon request, allowing for further scaling.


  • What Tron API is used for?

  • How do I access Tron API?

  • What are the rate limits for Tron API?

  • How secure is Tron API?



May 15, 2024

6 min read
