Fragment is a platform that allows users to buy and sell unique Telegram usernames, phone numbers, and other Telegram assets, secured by the TON blockchain. The platform operates within an ecosystem of over 900 million users, enabling individuals to acquire and assign custom usernames as links for their personal accounts, channels, or groups. The Fragment platform features an auction system where users can bid on desirable usernames, with prices ranging from a few hundred to over a hundred thousand dollars for the most sought-after handles.
Using Fragment, users benefit from the ability to secure unique and desirable Telegram usernames, enhancing their online identity and brand presence within Telegram's vast ecosystem. The platform's integration with the TON blockchain ensures transparent, secure, and anonymous transactions, providing peace of mind for buyers and sellers alike. Additionally, Fragment offers the convenience of engaging with third-party services, such as purchasing Telegram Premium and Ads, all within a single, user-friendly interface.
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