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Last updated on January 1, 1970

14 min read

Method /accounts undefined ()
connect with REST protocol



This endpoint lists accounts by one of four filters signer, asset,liquidity pool or sponsor.


sponser - query

string, optional

Account ID of the sponsor. Every account in the response will either be sponsored by the given account ID or have a subentry (trustline, offer, or data entry) which is sponsored by the given account ID.

asset - query


An issued asset represented as “Code:IssuerAccountID”. Every account in the response will have a trustline for the given asset.

signer - query

string, optional

Account ID of the signer. Every account in the response will have the given account ID as a signer.

liquidy_pool - query

any, optional

With this parameter, the results will include only accounts which have trustlines to the specified liquidity pool.

cursor - query

integer, optional

A number that points to a specific location in a collection of responses and is pulled from the paging_token value of a record.

order - query

Possible values: [asc, desc], optional

A designation of the order in which records should appear. Options include asc (ascending) or desc (descending). If this argument is not set, it defaults to asc.

limit - query

integer, optional

The maximum number of records returned. The limit can range from 1 to 200 - an upper limit that is hardcoded in Horizon for performance reasons. If this argument is not designated, it defaults to 10.


curl --location --request GET '' 
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "_embedded": {
        "records": [
                "_links": {
                    "data": {
                        "href": "{key}",
                        "templated": true
                    "effects": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "offers": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "operations": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "payments": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
                    "trades": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                    "transactions": {
                        "href": "{?cursor,limit,order}",
                        "templated": true
                "balances": [
                        "asset_code": "GBPV",
                        "asset_issuer": "GDB6ZOJ46MDSERVTH2B7P6C4LEAWU3UDJZLPUFERROEDV774U4AQIG5G",
                        "asset_type": "credit_alphanum4",
                        "balance": "75521.3750022",
                        "buying_liabilities": "20292.5295000",
                        "is_authorized": true,
                        "is_authorized_to_maintain_liabilities": true,
                        "last_modified_ledger": 46844540,
                        "limit": "922337203685.4775807",
                        "selling_liabilities": "29432.0000000"
                "data": {},
                "flags": {
                    "auth_clawback_enabled": false,
                    "auth_immutable": false,
                    "auth_required": false,
                    "auth_revocable": false
                "home_domain": "",
                "inflation_destination": "GDCHDRSDOBRMSUDKRE2C4U4KDLNEATJPIHHR2ORFL5BSD56G4DQXL4VW",
                "last_modified_ledger": 46844540,
                "last_modified_time": "2023-06-20T19:46:04Z",
                "num_sponsored": 0,
                "num_sponsoring": 0,
                "sequence": "185387470148735007",
                "sequence_ledger": 46844540,
                "sequence_time": "1687290364",
                "signers": [
                        "type": "ed25519_public_key",
                        "weight": 1
                "subentry_count": 15,
                "thresholds": {
                    "high_threshold": 0,
                    "low_threshold": 0,
                    "med_threshold": 0
    "_links": {
        "next": {
            "href": ""
        "prev": {
            "href": ""
        "self": {
            "href": ""
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