Last updated on January 1, 1970

4 min read

Method chaininfos undefined ()
connect with REST protocol



Returns various state info regarding block chain processing. Only supports JSON as output format.

bch:chaininfos [GET]

Returns various state info regarding block chain processing. Only supports JSON as output format.

  • chain : (string) current network name (main, test, signet, regtest)
  • blocks : (numeric) the current number of blocks processed in the server
  • headers : (numeric) the current number of headers we have validated
  • bestblockhash : (string) the hash of the currently best block
  • difficulty : (numeric) the current difficulty
  • mediantime : (numeric) the median time of the 11 blocks before the most recent block on the blockchain
  • verificationprogress : (numeric) estimate of verification progress [0..1]
  • chainwork : (string) total amount of work in active chain, in hexadecimal
  • pruned : (boolean) if the blocks are subject to pruning
  • pruneheight : (numeric) highest block available
  • softforks : (array) status of softforks in progress


GET /rest/chaininfo.json


curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "chain": "main",
    "blocks": 680033,
    "headers": 680033,
    "bestblockhash": "00000000000000000006f41442a30e745e177dff2a3ef65bdd77b96d015ac489",
    "difficulty": 23581981443663.85,
    "mediantime": 1619019097,
    "verificationprogress": 0.9999982448971894,
    "initialblockdownload": false,
    "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000001c529f37380904dd8e2fae58",
    "size_on_disk": 386449729745,
    "pruned": false,
    "softforks": {
        "bip34": {
            "type": "buried", 
            "active": true, 
            "height": 227931
        "bip66": {
            "type": "buried", 
            "active": true,
            "height": 363725
        "bip65": {
            "type": "buried", 
            "active": true, 
            "height": 388381
        "csv": {
            "type": "buried", 
            "active": true, 
            "height": 419328
        "segwit": {
            "type": "buried",
            "active": true, 
            "height": 481824
    "warnings": ""
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