What is Jito Solana MEV Client?

Vance Wood

Vance Wood

February 12, 2025

9 min read

article cover

Jito offers state-of-the-art MEV solutions that turn what was once a highly competitive, spam‐filled race into a more efficient and transparent marketplace for extracting value. But did you know that DeFi users and dApp developers can also benefit from Jito’s MEV infrastructure to boost the reliability, efficiency, and security of their Solana transactions?

In this article, we’ll explore the capabilities and benefits of the Jito MEV Client and guide you in integrating it into your Solana development workflow.

What is Jito on Solana? Key takeaways

Jito is building a more efficient infrastructure to optimize MEV on Solana and enable faster, more predictable transaction execution. It integrates mechanisms that ensure MEV is distributed to stakers as well.

  • The core piece of Jito infrastructure is a Solana validator client that is also MEV optimized. The mechanisms like bundling, block engine auctions, and relayer are part of the client’s software.
  • Bundles are a feature unique to the Jito-Solana validator. Bundled transactions get guaranteed ordering and atomic execution.
  • Jito users attach tips in Solana to their bundles signaling the system to prioritize their transactions.
  • Bidding for block inclusion ensures Solana validators get rewarded extra for their work, extract value without harming users, and share profits with their stakers.
  • While the goal for Jito is to support beneficial aspects of MEV in crypto and minimize the downsides, DeFi users or dApp developers can benefit greatly from using it.

For developers building on Solana – whether it's DeFi apps, MEV bots, or any application that requires multiple transactions to be executed atomically and in order – using RPC endpoints with Jito’s MEV capabilities can significantly boost dApp performance and reliability.

What is MEV?

Maximum Extractable Value (MEV), also known as Miner Extractable Value, is the extra profit that miners or validators can earn. Because they control the block’s composition, these network participants can, for example, reorder transactions, insert their own, or exclude others to boost their revenue.

Any blockchain with significant DeFi activity naturally has some form of MEV. Some of these activities, like arbitrage and liquidations, are even beneficial for the ecosystem.

For example, if two decentralized exchanges have slightly different prices for an asset, an arbitrage bot can profit by buying low on one and selling high on the other. This will balance the liquidity pools and traders benefit from more consistent rates.

With Solana's increasing trading volume activity, the opportunities and problems associated with MEV also grow.

MEV on Solana: Why Solana transactions are failing

Solana’s fast, high-throughput network has very low transaction fees. This makes it easy and inexpensive for MEV actors to flood the network with multiple arbitrage attempts. In many cases, only the first transaction succeeds and the rest fail, wasting compute resources in the process.

For everyday users, this means that block space is often wasted on failed transactions. When blocks are filled with failed Solana MEV attempts, regular user transactions might be delayed or dropped entirely.

Solana MEV success rates

Source: Jito

Jito’s analysis of Solana MEV state in 2023 showed that only about 2% of the attempts actually succeeded. So Jito aims to mitigate these issues and make the network more efficient for everyone.

What is Jito Solana?

Jito-Solana is one of the validator clients for Solana. It is currently the dominant client software in the ecosystem with about 356 million SOL staked, which accounts for over 90% of the network’s total staked SOL.

It is a fork of the standard Solana Labs validator client that is optimized to handle MEV opportunities. In practice, it does more than simply validate blocks.

What is Jito in Solana

Source: Jito Blog

Jito MEV Client is also a part of the broader Jito infrastructure that includes the following components:

  • Bundle transactions: Jito supports “bundles”, a sequence of transactions submitted together to be executed atomically, within a single block.
  • Optimized MEV extraction: Validators can earn extra tips from “searchers” who submit bundles or transactions. Tips increase their chances of winning the priority slot in the block.
  • Block engine: The Block Engine is Jito’s block builder, an auction mechanism that simulates and selects transactions. Only the highest-paying, successful bundle gets executed. This system also optimizes the use of Solana block space.
  • The Relayer: A relayer component filters transactions on a separate server so that the validator’s resources are only focused on block production.
  • Fairer MEV distribution: Jito’s decentralized liquid staking protocol delegates staked SOL to validators running the MEV client. Validators, in turn, share MEV with stakers who receive it in JitoSOL token.

Jito restructures how MEV works by distributing it fairly between different participants of the cryptocurrency network.

Solana Jito benefits and use cases

Jito provides a transparent MEV market, helping validators capture additional value through tips from MEV searchers. This extra income comes on top of traditional block rewards.

Jito MEV tips in Solana graph

Tips generated from Jito-Solana, February 2024-2025; Source: Jito Explorer

But unlike traditional MEV activity, it benefits Solana users as well. Let’s look at these benefits:

  • Fail-proof transactions:
    Jito’s support for bundled transactions means Solana users and applications can design multi-step operations (complex swaps, arbitrage, or liquidation sequences) where all parts either execute together or not at all. This helps avoid partial execution issues.

  • Improved ordering:
    Once a bundle is selected, the validator processes it sequentially, i.e. the transactions are executed in the intended order. This is especially useful in high-frequency trading scenarios, where the order of execution is important.

  • Lower latency:
    Because of the Solana transaction format, Jito can run parallel state auctions for multiple slots in the block. It will separate operations not conflicting with each other and execute them at the same time.

  • MEV protection:
    Jito enforcing bundled atomic transaction execution reduces harmful reordering of transactions. Auctions reduce the viability of tactics like sandwich attacks and frontrunning.

In essence, Jito infrastructure users – DeFi participants or dApps – benefit from prioritized execution and the bundling feature not available on standard Solana validators.

Getting started with Jito MEV Client on Solana

As a dApp developer or trader, you don’t need to run the validator client yourself to benefit from Jito features. You can integrate your application with RPC providers that support Jito-Solana.

GetBlock’s dedicated Solana nodes offer all the standard Solana JSON-RPC or WebSocket APIs plus additional Jito endpoints.

This option is exclusive for Solana PRO service users, which means you get Jito MEV functionality all routed through a high-performance GetBlock infrastructure. Plus, you can add plugins such as gRPC and the Metaplex DAS API to customize your node.

Simply log in to your GetBlock account, open the Dedicated Nodes dashboard, and select “Solana Pro Mainnet”. With this setup, you benefit from advanced MEV features without needing to self-host a validator.

How to send Jito bundles

Bundles are ideal for multi-step DeFi operations where the order and all‑or‑nothing execution are critical.

To send a bundle via GetBlock RPC with Jito MEV Client, simply make standard JSON‑RPC calls using the ‘sendBundle’ method:

  1. Create up to 5 signed transactions.

  2. Include a tip instruction in the final transaction in your bundle (a minimum of 1,000 lamports) to incentivize validators to prioritize your bundle.

  3. Encode your signed transactions using either base58 or base64 encoding. The API supports both, but base64 is generally preferred for speed.

  4. Call the ‘sendBundle’ JSON‑RPC method via your GetBlock Solana endpoint.

Your JSON payload should include an array of encoded transactions as the only parameter. For example:

curl --location "https://go.getblock.io//" -X POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "getblock.io",
    "method": "sendBundle",
    "params": [
      { "encoding": "base64" }

If successful, the response returns a bundle ID. You can then use this ID to query the status of your bundle using methods like ‘getBundleStatuses’ or ‘getInflightBundleStatuses’.

The result is that your user’s entire operation either completes successfully or is safely rolled back, without the risk of partial execution.

Sending a single transaction with Jito

If you have just one transaction, you can still use Jito. Its ‘sendTransaction’ method is essentially a direct proxy to the regular Solana RPC ‘sendTransaction’ call. It behaves much like a standard transaction but with Jito’s built‑in MEV protection and helps your transaction get included faster.

Below is a table with the key Jito Solana methods:

Method Description Notes
sendBundle Submits a bundle of up to 5 signed transactions Include a tip instruction in the final transaction (min 1,000 lamports)
sendTransaction Sends a single transaction These transactions get higher delivery guarantees
getBundleStatuses Shows the status of a bundle by its ID Returns the current execution status of the bundle
getInflightBundleStatuses Retrieves statuses for multiple bundles Useful for monitoring several active bundles

For further details, feel free to consult the Jito documentation

Context Banner

Conclusion: Would you benefit from Jito?

Jito benefits not just MEV searchers, but anyone looking for more efficient and reliable transaction processing on Solana.

For developers

If your Solana application relies on priority transactions (NFT mints, DeFi liquidations, real-time bidding, Solana MEV bots, etc.), the features provided by Jito can significantly enhance the dApp’s performance and reliability.

For traders

Instead of spamming the network with repeated transactions, traders can participate in a transparent bidding process. The incentives in place encourage validators to include these bundles, so time-sensitive strategies can be performed with greater certainty.

For MEV searchers

Users who look for MEV opportunities can do so with better transaction inclusion. In practice, it reduces the chance of failed or delayed transactions.

If you’re ready to experience these benefits firsthand, start with GetBlock’s dedicated Solana nodes featuring the full power of Jito’s MEV. Sign up to GetBlock today and transform the way you build and interact with Solana.

Vance Wood

Vance Wood

February 12, 2025

9 min read
