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Polygon (MATIC) API - Building Your Web3 Dapps  



March 1, 2023

6 分鐘閱讀

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What is Polygon (MATIC) API?

APIs enable developers to interact with the Polygon blockchain network without the requirement of setting up their own node software.

MATIC’s network consists of numerous nodes that record and validate transactions. These nodes expose an RPC interface, which acts as a gateway for external entities, such as applications, to communicate with the network.

This RPC interface provides a set of API endpoints that developers can access to perform various operations on the blockchain. These endpoints allow developers to submit transactions, and retrieve information about accounts, smart contracts, tokens, and more.

By using API by RPC node providers, developers can skip the phase of setting up the local node infrastructure while still retaining the possibility of connecting and interacting with the network.

Utilizing the Polygon API offers notable benefits in terms of scalability and efficiency when compared to interacting directly with the Ethereum mainnet. As a layer 2 scaling solution, it enhances transaction throughput while simultaneously reducing fees, thus providing a more cost-effective and efficient alternative for developers.

Additionally, one of the significant advantages of the Polygon API lies in its seamless compatibility with existing Ethereum tooling and frameworks. Developers can leverage their development knowledge and tools when working on projects within the ecosystem.

Why use a Polygon (MATIC) API?

By utilizing the API, developers can interact with the blockchain using simple HTTP requests. They do not need to set up and maintain their own node software, which can be complex and resource-intensive.

Instead, developers can rely on existing RPC nodes maintained by the users or Web3 infrastructure providers like GetBlock.

Let’s review some of the advantages of using APIs offered by node providers:

  1. Accessibility: Developers can immediately start interacting with the blockchain using the API interface without the need for time-consuming node setup processes;
  2. Cost-Effectiveness: By leveraging APIs, developers can significantly reduce the costs associated with setting up and maintaining their node infrastructure, particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized projects or startups with limited resources;
  3. Scalability: API-driven interactions with RPC nodes allow developers to scale their applications more efficiently by easily adjusting resources and accessing additional nodes as needed;
  4. Reliability: RPC nodes maintained by reputable providers offer a level of reliability and uptime that may be challenging to achieve with self-managed nodes. Developers can rely on these nodes to provide consistent access to the blockchain, ensuring the smooth operation of their applications.

Overall, by capitalizing on these additional benefits, developers can optimize their development process, control costs, and effectively scale their applications.

Key Features of Polygon API

When utilizing node APIs, developers gain access to a comprehensive set of features crucial for building and launching blockchain applications.

Let’s overview some of the capabilities offered by Polygon APIs:

Key Features Description Example Use Cases
Real-time blockchain data Facilitates real-time synchronization with the latest blockchain state, enabling direct retrieval of transaction/account details, block/network statistics Blockchain explorers, Real-time analytics, Trading platforms
Wallet management Includes functionalities like generating new addresses, checking balances, sending and receiving funds, and handling transaction history Payment gateways, Exchange platforms
Transaction processing Facilitates transaction creation, signing, fee estimation, and broadcasting for network confirmation DeFi platforms, Wallet applications
Address validation Helps verify address validity to ensure compliance with blockchain network standards before transaction processing Web3 wallets, Exchanges, Payment platforms

These functionalities are responsible for various dApp features and together help build websites and applications that effectively connect and interact with decentralized networks.

How to Get Started with Polygon (MATIC) API

GetBlock offers a user-friendly platform for accessing the Web3 infrastructure, available to both experienced developers and newcomers to blockchain development.

To get started with the GetBlock API right away, follow this tutorial.

Step 1: Creating an account

Start by visiting the website and signing up for a GetBlock account. The signup process is quick and easy, allowing users to connect via a MetaMask wallet. Authentication with email or Google account is also available.

Note that new users can immediately start using the service with a free package offering 40,000 daily requests.

Step 2: Generating URLs

Once in the dashboard, generate endpoints:
Choose "Polygon" from the dropdown menu;
Select between testnet or mainnet networks and available API interfaces;
Click on "Get" to retrieve the endpoint URL.


Users can create multiple endpoints as needed for different purposes.

Step 3: Integrating APIs

After obtaining a URL with an access token, you can use it to deploy smart contracts, integrate it into your application, or perform simple API calls.

Here is an example of a request to Polygon API using curl and the ‘eth_gasPrice’ method.

curl --location --request POST 'https://go.getblock.io/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "eth_gasPrice",
  "params": [],
  "id": "getblock.io"

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "getblock.io",
  "result": "0x671dc9"

Available Polygon API Methods

Polygon is an Ethereum-compatible blockchain, meaning developers can directly use these standard Ethereum JSON-RPC methods to interact with the network.

Let's list a few key methods:

  • eth_getTransactionReceipt: Retrieves transaction details, including logs, for the specified transaction hash;
  • eth_sendRawTransaction: Sends a signed raw transaction to the network of nodes;
  • eth_estimateGas: Counts the gas cost of transactions;
  • eth_call: Executes a read-only contract function call;
  • eth_subscribe: Allows monitoring of selected blockchain events.
    In addition to JSON-RPC, GetBlock.io offers more options for interacting with nodes, including GraphQL and WebSockets.

Pricing and Plans for Polygon (MATIC) API

Before starting to use the platform, it's beneficial to explore the array of plans offered to users. Explore GetBlock’s shared, dedicated, and enterprise solutions to determine the best fit for your needs.

Shared nodes enable multiple users to leverage the same infrastructure to interact with the blockchain – an option also available for free tariff users.

Clients who anticipate needing more requests beyond the limits of the free plan have two options to increase their usage rates:

  • Pay-Per-Request packages: Grant access to a predetermined number of requests irrespective of the timeline;
  • A monthly subscription: Offers access to Polygon API without worrying about exceeding request limits.

Dedicated MATIC API

  • As applications expand, developers face the challenge of scaling infrastructure to meet rising demand. GetBlock addresses this need with a dedicated node offering:

  • No restrictions on rates and requests ensuring uninterrupted service during peak usage;
    Access to archive nodes;

  • Custom node configuration based on application requirements.

Overall, dedicated nodes offer users greater control and performance compared to shared infrastructure.

Enterprise MATIC solutions

GetBlock offers customized services to cater to the unique demands of enterprise clients.


By offering the deployment of any protocol node upon request, this plan allows users to choose the specific blockchain network and node configuration that best fits their needs.

Furthermore, clients benefit from 24/7 support, access to enhanced performance metrics, and additional security tools, ensuring that the connection remains uninterrupted.


  • What is the Polygon (MATIC) API used for?

  • What advantages does Polygon API offer to dApp developers?

  • How to start using Polygon API?

  • What are the rate limits for Polygon (MATIC) API?



March 1, 2023

6 分鐘閱讀
