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Ethereum (ETH) Last Testnet Activates Merge in Two Days. Will Miners Adopt PoW Fork?  



August 9, 2022

3 分鐘閱讀

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The Goerli network - one of Ethereum’s most popular testnets for web3 developers - is planning to activate a two-step merge process in the next couple of days. Goerli testnet, being the last Ethereum testing network to merge, may showcase what ETH users could expect this September, when the final transition to PoS occurs.

Goerli Ethereum testnet transition is the last try-out before the big day

Being a large community, Goerli’s upcoming transition to PoS is a crucial step in the overall Ethereum’s transition from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake.

Originally, Goerli testnet was designed to operate on a proof of authority (PoA) consensus. The network also requires developers to utilize Goerli ETH given for free when using a Goerli Testnet Faucet. The development team ensures the transitioning process runs smoothly.

As for now, Ethereum’s final merge is scheduled for September 19. The merge will signify a new era for Ethereum testnet and mainnet users, with miners having to search for alternative options.

PoW fork coming soon

As many experts point out, the big change in the Ethereum blockchain mechanism could result in a PoW fork. Currently, experts share a polarized opinion on the effectiveness of such a solution.

For instance, F2Pool - a pioneer leading mining pool for Ethereum users - is stating its view on the problem:

As the future of Ethereum miners stands unclear, many believe that new options could occur, including new PoW networks in the cryptosphere.

GetBlock’s Ethereum (ETH) nodes after the merge

Since 2019, GetBlock clients have been successfully utilizing Ethereum blockchain nodes in their projects. Customers can choose between Ethereum (ETH) shared nodes, as well as Ethereum (ETH) node clusters, and much more.

However, the big transition is expected to affect ETH node infrastructure additionally. The Ethereum (ETH) team stays up to date with the worldwide community. Users could expect a new API port, significant changes in Consensus Layer and Execution Layers nodes, etc.

GetBlock is a Blockchain-as-a-service provider that makes sure to deliver the latest blockchain technology to its clients. Make sure to stay updated with the current developments in Web3 technology.

GetBlock’s full blockchain nodes list includes 40+ leading networks. If you wish to learn more about investing in blockchain nodes, how nodes work in blockchain or check out our crypto nodes review, please visit GetBlock.io and do not hesitate to contact us via this link.



August 9, 2022

3 分鐘閱讀
