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Last updated on January 1, 1970

6 min read

Method get_block Monero (XMR)
connect with JSON-RPC protocol



Full block information can be retrieved by either block height or hash, like with the above block header calls. For full block information, both lookups use the same method, but with different input parameters.


height - unsigned int

The block's height.

hash - string

The block's hash.


curl --location --request POST 'https://xmr.getblock.io/mainnet/json_rpc' \ 
--header 'x-api-key: YOUR-API-KEY' \ 
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
--data-raw '{"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "get_block",
"params": {"height": 912345},
"id": "getblock.io"}'


    "id": "getblock.io",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "blob": "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",
        "block_header": {
            "block_size": 210,
            "block_weight": 210,
            "cumulative_difficulty": 754734824984346,
            "cumulative_difficulty_top64": 0,
            "depth": 1482236,
            "difficulty": 815625611,
            "difficulty_top64": 0,
            "hash": "e22cf75f39ae720e8b71b3d120a5ac03f0db50bba6379e2850975b4859190bc6",
            "height": 912345,
            "long_term_weight": 210,
            "major_version": 1,
            "miner_tx_hash": "c7da3965f25c19b8eb7dd8db48dcd4e7c885e2491db77e289f0609bf8e08ec30",
            "minor_version": 2,
            "nonce": 1646,
            "num_txes": 0,
            "orphan_status": false,
            "pow_hash": "",
            "prev_hash": "b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78",
            "reward": 7388968946286,
            "timestamp": 1452793716,
            "wide_cumulative_difficulty": "0x2ae6d65248f1a",
            "wide_difficulty": "0x309d758b"
        "credits": 0,
        "json": "{\n  \"major_version\": 1, \n  \"minor_version\": 2, \n  \"timestamp\": 1452793716, \n  \"prev_id\": \"b61c58b2e0be53fad5ef9d9731a55e8a81d972b8d90ed07c04fd37ca6403ff78\", \n  \"nonce\": 1646, \n  \"miner_tx\": {\n    \"version\": 1, \n    \"unlock_time\": 912405, \n    \"vin\": [ {\n        \"gen\": {\n          \"height\": 912345\n        }\n      }\n    ], \n    \"vout\": [ {\n        \"amount\": 8968946286, \n        \"target\": {\n          \"key\": \"378b043c1724c92c69d923d266fe86477d3a5ddd21145062e148c64c57677008\"\n        }\n      }, {\n        \"amount\": 80000000000, \n        \"target\": {\n          \"key\": \"73733cbd6e6218bda671596462a4b062f95cfe5e1dbb5b990dacb30e827d02f2\"\n        }\n      }, {\n        \"amount\": 300000000000, \n        \"target\": {\n          \"key\": \"47a5dab669770da69a860acde21616a119818e1a489bb3c4b1b6b3c50547bc0c\"\n        }\n      }, {\n        \"amount\": 7000000000000, \n        \"target\": {\n          \"key\": \"1f7e4762b8b755e3e3c72b8610cc87b9bc25d1f0a87c0c816ebb952e4f8aff3d\"\n        }\n      }\n    ], \n    \"extra\": [ 1, 253, 10, 119, 137, 87, 244, 243, 16, 58, 131, 138, 253, 164, 136, 195, 205, 173, 242, 105, 123, 61, 52, 173, 113, 35, 66, 130, 178, 250, 217, 16, 14, 2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 11, 223, 194, 193, 108\n    ], \n    \"signatures\": [ ]\n  }, \n  \"tx_hashes\": [ ]\n}",
        "miner_tx_hash": "c7da3965f25c19b8eb7dd8db48dcd4e7c885e2491db77e289f0609bf8e08ec30",
        "status": "OK",
        "top_hash": "",
        "untrusted": false
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